Playtimes September 2014 - page 6

hope you’ve all enjoyed exactly the summer you’d hoped for – exciting or restful – and that
you’re back, with batteries charged, and ready for another school year.
This issue marks my four-year anniversary as your editor-in-
. That’s more than 40 times you’ve welcomed me into your homes, and about 5,000 pages of
what I hope has been helpful parenting advice.
Each year I mark an anniversary here at
, I’m reminded of all of the other people who
have helped make the magazine a success. I get to have my photo up front, but there’s a whole team
of hard-working folks behind the scenes who deserve just as much credit.
This month, I’d
like to gush a bit about our sales team
I’m lucky:
my work days are filled with friendly folks
who are eager to get
their names mentioned in this mag. They’re nice to me; they always take my calls; they praise our
efforts. That makes my days pretty easy. Our sales team’s days are a bit tougher: they’re the ones
asking businesses to part with their money in order to reach our prized readership. Of course, selling
space in a magazine that people like is better than the alternative! But, it still takes an awful lot of
effort, determination and optimism to pick up that phone hundreds of times a week.
Fortunately for me – and for you, if you’re enjoying reading this free magazine –
our sales
professionals are wonderful
. They love the mag as much as I do and they know that their
clients will benefit if you have the chance to get to know them, through their ads. Those ads help
you, of course, learn about services that are tailored for you as a parent, and they allow us to pay our
writers, stylists, photographers and art department, and to keep the lights on in our office.
To the sales team, the creative team, the advertisers and to you – the readers who make all of
this matter – I offer my heartfelt thanks.
Here’s to another great year
Thanks for reading,
Tracey Starr, Editor-in-Chief
Tracey and model Simona
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